Saturday, February 6, 2010

I think I like the fact of being treated like I am an idiot. Its almost like being a sleeper agent that gets woken up at particular times to do the horrible shit that no one would ever expect. I like that. I like knowing that people are very predictable and ultimately weak. I have given into my weaknesses far too long and because of that people have been used too a sort of comfort of me failing or letting things play out in their favor. Often I am said that I am general and cryptic. I also enjoy this, I like to give the person a chance at thinking about what they are doing wrong and why they are doing it. I also see it as a way for them to have that "grace period" before I actually act.

I have no idea what I am writing about but writing is what I will do right now. I find that it is bringing me great joy. I have no idea why really, maybe it cathartic or maybe I can get some of those crazy ideas out of my head. Either way its nice.

So...I am right, and it pains me to know that I will be fought until the end times comes. I will be argued with and debated until actual events transpire for the truth to be seen. When that happens I am almost positive I will end in a shameful position, blood drenched and shivering in the winter night. I can feel the energy in my chest begging to be free. Holding my heart hostage and forcing my blood to pump at a uncontrollable levels like a factory that missed its deadline. I will force myself to smile and put on that happy face, but we all know its a lie. We all know that I am always watching and suspecting. We all know that I pay attention to the exits and the entrances the motions and speech. We all know that I am forever watching.

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